I felt that the end of the Gregorian year no longer mattered to me, because I thought it was just a date or maybe because I celebrated this year in a very special way the new return to the sun - the solistice and Christmas, but sitting at my altar I realize that something inside myself wants to say good buy. It may be that the 31 ot december is coming closer (and all the collective feelings that lead to this feeling), it may be that I finally have a little time for myself, it may be that I have to write the post, once more giving voice to my heart:
I want to thank my blood family for their love, for having always done the best they could for me and once again I am sorry for having had to go for so long so far to find myself, to heal me, to give birth to who I really am and where I come from.
On this day I want to thank my little family that I created, who brought me and continues to bring me so much medicine full of light and darkness to find harmony, peace, clarity and healing.
I thank all my friends in so many parts of the world that I have been able to meet, with whom I have been able to share special moments. Some of them have been short, some of them lasted for months, even years or decades - travels, parties, work, casual encounters, encounters on the path of healing - I now believe that all have been encounters that greatly brought healing, since the awakened consciousness, being part of a big unique puzzle. There were disagreements, they are part of life, were are human beings walking our indivudial path of life here on earth. I have hurt persons and I deeply apologize for uncoscious words or acts. At this moment, when there is so much separation, I carry us even more in my heart, we may have different opinions, different experiences. That is life, but the heart unites us. And I apologize for having spent a lot of time in my "cave" (that used to be filled with fear, darkness, lonelyness, anger, abandonment, negación etc.) that I finally managed to honor and love and therefore heal, for which many times I do not communicate. But it became an incredibly sacred and healing space for me.
I want to so much honor and thank my homeland with its rivers, seas, forests, hills and mountains, my ancestors. I humbly honor and thank the powerful apus: caretakers, protectors and healers, the lagoons and rivers with the presence of the ancestors who welcomed and guided me all throughout this time here in the land of Tawantinsuyo and the Sacred Valley of the Incas. I thank the Great Mother Earth for all her unconditional love, for her abundance, her elements: sacred fire, water, air and earth for being such a great medicine, being such great messengers, all the invisible beings that surround us, full of wisdom and love.
Each one has been and still is a great teacher for me. I lower my head in humbleness and gratitude, opening my heart for my love and affection so it can reach you. Each one of you is unique in my heart.
Haylli Pachamama. Danke. Thank you.
Wishing you a harmonious end to the year.