Calling for rain

photo: Lucila Vairo

The last few days I felt a rising in tense energy within me and today was the moment to make space for connecting to myself, to check what was going on with me. I admit, that have been very busy the last few weeks with the creation of new projects, taking responsability for a new job, completing tasks - so a lot of mind-orientated work.

I lit a candle, sat down and started breathing, listening. Then I felt the urge to connect to my body. I started dancing, moving all the emotions, that wanted to arise. Tears started rolling down my face. No necessity to find out where they came from. I just cried danced and allowed ed my heart and my soul to express themselves.

Suddenly I saw the current images of the missing rain, the burning fields and forests in so many places here in South America, I heard the frogs in my backyard as well as the parrots calling for rain - like they do every day these days. We so much need the rain.

I cried and danced, calling in my heart for the soothing rain. I am one with Mother Earth, we are the children of Mother Earth. Burning heat and no rain - a reflection of inner and outer world: inner and outer rage, hate, war, unjusticeness, so much fear that makes it difficult to connect to our emotions, to our necessity to stop and listen, to feel whatever needs to be felt.

I cry, I dance, I pray for rain - inside and outside of ourselves.

May it be so.

I don´t like my cat

I should not feel this way as an animal lover and soul level animal communicator, but I felt a really unpleasant connection with my cat. We had found her in the street only a week before we left for our new journey to Germany for three months. It was an amazing but exhausting trip and challenges awaited as soon as we got back to Peru.

My desperate necessity for rest brought a tremendous rejection to the new cat. She was persistent in asking for attention, getting on my nerves with a miau that sounds like a crow, she kept fighting with my other cat and fought for food like a huge cat. Guess what, her name is Panther. Her energy was just too penetrating – it was the last think that I needed after my return Germany. I was hungry for peace and quietness.

But guess what, animals are beings of unconditional love and come into our life in order to teach us to become better humans. Any (mis-)behavior, pattern or illness has profound messages for us and it is up to the human to understand the message – or to ask for help through animal communication. In her way of being she tried her best to tell me, what I need.

So all my cat Panther did, was show me, how desperately I needed to look after myself, take time for myself, rest and settle in back at home in the Sacred Valley. She needed to use her big cat Panther energy so I would really take my rest seriously.

When I was finally able to embrace her messages, her energy also changed. She calmed down and we found a more loving, harmonious connection. Animals are such great masters and teachers.

Are you trying to understand your animal better? What buttons does your beloved pet press to get your emotions going? I look forward to reading you.

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Miracles happen

Do you believe in miracles?

A little while back a woman contacted me over the phone, who had been desperately searching for her lost dog for the last 5 months. She didn´t want to give up and reached out for an intuitive animal communication reading. When I connected with her dog, he told straight me away that he was well and alive. It brought a huge relief.

The lady comes from Peru

We then went one step deeper – to the soul level. I asked him why the animal had come to the owner´s life and why he had decided to disappear.

Here I must share with you an important information: all animals are beings of unconditional love. They come into the human´s life with the purpose to help their human to grow and to evolve.

So, my client´s dog also wants only the best for his owner. That´s why he needed to run away from home to show that the life situation my client lived had become unbearable. Previous messages that her beloved pet had sent, had not been enough.

It was hopeful news, that he was prepared to come back, but only if his mum made important changes in her life, which were so necessary for her personal wellbeing and happiness. So, by running away, all he wanted, was to take care of her! During the reading my client also received useful, hands-on tools from her pet so she could work on her tasks.

… A couple of months went by after this reading and yesterday I received the miraculous message. She had found her dog! She took the advices seriously, made the necessary changes in her life – and found her beloved pet again, who are happily reunited again.  

It always astounds me, how animals work with us in such a powerful way.

Do you want to know more about my work, please check my website or book a 15-min free consultation over the phone with me.

Have a blessed day

Healing creativity

As a child I was very creative, but over time I stopped everything and became a very mental person. It has taken me many years to heal my feminine side, to reawaken the joy, passion and love in art & creation - without seeking comparison or recognition or living in self-judgment. Today my hands, my heart and my soul long for creation.

Knitting has become my newest passion. The origin lies in the last two months at Lake Titicaca, when I saw beautiful naturally dyed alpaca wool everywhere and many women knitting. In a world where we can buy everything (cheaply), it sometimes takes an effort to create something ourselves.

My mum knitted, her mum and certainly many women before them. Today, in the early hours of the morning, I am sitting on the sofa in my grandmother's bathrobe, feeling at peace and incredibly connected to them. As an animal communicator, I am once again amazed at how positively my cats react in their feminine energy to my newly knitted creations . They can never be close enough when I'm painting, sewing, crafting with clay etc. In this way I get their confirmation of how good it is for me (and therefore everyone around me) when I'm creative.

And I also find this confirmation in my clients. It often happens to me that they are "recommended" by their pets to (re)connect to what they enjoyed as a child or young person.

On a soul level, our beloved four-legged friends want to accompany us and help us when something in OUR LIFE is not flowing, can be healed or transformed. How do I get this information? For example, the animal suddenly shows me an image in my mind's eye of how my client is painting or writing with watercolors. I get sensations of joy, peace and happiness and ask my client if she paints or writes. I often hear. "I used to do that when I was little, but I don't do it anymore." Through this shared memory, the animal wants to point out something, teach something and maybe ask to start again.

Creativity supports tremendously in understanding an old wound or trauma, connecting with it in ways other than mental, and helping in healing. It is about art as an accompanying process and not about a completed work of art.

Was there something you loved doing as a child but don't do it anymore? Why not)? Would you like your pet or guides to help you find yourself again? As a channel and medium, I convey intuitively channeled messages to you and help you to better understand yourself, your life and your pet.

Something about me

Today I feel the desire to share a bit about my life journey, that made me who I am today.

The love for animals and nature, a high sensitivity, insatiable curiosity and the desire to make the world a happier and more peaceful place shaped my childhood in the socialist world of the GDR.

Foreign languages were another passion. I felt that they would open me the doors to the world. I went to London as German teacher and made my career at the Goethe-Institut. But I was dissatisfied and kept feeling this profound calling to South America, which I had felt since my youth.

A solo backpacking trip to Costa Rica in 2008 became a jumping bridge to freedom and a farewell to London, my relationship, security and prosperity. In the jungle, thanks to courage, curiosity and a thirst for adventure, I discovered a completely new, unique contact with wild nature and also with my inner wild, free side.

What was I looking for? – I didn't know it, but I felt an insatiable longing for depth, freedom and true life. After a few months of traveling, I crossed the border into Bolivia with a high fever. In dilirium I saw from the bus the "mamitas" (native country women) with their long braids and colorful dresses sitting on the side of the road. An unspeakable feeling came over me: I had arrived!!! Their way of life, the powerful connection to Mother Earth, the ancestral rituals, the ritual chewing of the coca leaves—everything felt familiar. Should I be (or have been) part of this culture?

I thought and felt it for a long time, but the path to self-discovery still held many other lessons. Since I'm not someone who generally learns things from books, openness, curiosity and (often adventurous) trying things out have largely determined my life. Over time I started hearing voices, leaving my body, seeing things not visible to the human eye. I first found help in courses such as Reiki, pendulum and above all soul level animal communication, which gave my intuition and recognized gift as a medium a goal and an outlet.

Despite this, my life was also shaped for a long time by programs such as negation, reactivity, naivety and excessive alcohol consumption (escape). One opens only as far as the ego allows in its pain and with its lived past and that of its ancestors.

With the birth of my son in 2018, my life should change even more. Everything happens for a reason. This little being tore up everything in me that had not been brought into light, understood and healed until then - and this was still an incredible amount. The Scorpio in me now embarked on a returnless journey into the darkness to finally connect with the truth of its being.

Thanks to the patient and at the same time persistent accompaniment of my therapist, I went into the abysses of my own past and that of my Nordic ancestors, learned to understand the many traumas, programs and soul contracts that have been separating us since a very long time from our true self and the connection to everything that surrounds us. Sheding layers and layers of skin, I starting finding more clarity, light, connection and intuition in the darkness and loneliness of my own past. I realized that I was started evolving more and more into a channel of consciousness and the voices that want to be heard.

Many wonderful people, animals and other beings have (un)consciously guided me on this path up until now. However, I acknowledge that I have become a different person. I am a woman and mother with alive Nordic roots who honors her femininity and lives it with all her energies. In my healing, I want to redeem my ancestors - to the extent that I can - while at the same time create a more healed and coscious path for my son and the descendants who will come after him.

It is my desire, thanks to my personal experiences, processes, connections and knowledge, to encourage and help others to also embark on a search within to reconnect with themselves, their ancestors and what surrounds us.

Are the illnesses of our beloved animals a mirror of our soul?

As part of my own healing process in recent years, many wonderful four-legged friends have accompanied me, many of them came into my life for a short time, some for a longer or long period.

Thanks to holistic biodecoding, I have learned that all illnesses are manifestations of our soul and therefore of our emotions, which make themselves aware in our body so that we (and therefore our body) can heal and repair. Sometimes I have to laugh (although it's not funny at all) when I get sick again and then realize that the symptom of the illness which is appearing at that moment is a mirror of what I am currently ready to process on a soul level.

What does this have to do with my animals? I had to realize that they, too, show me through their illnesses aspects of myself that I have not yet worked through (with all facets) or resolved.

Only recently it was my wonderful dog Killa, on whom I discovered a tumor on the liver. At first I was shocked and full of despair, then I connected to both of us and she showed me that I am still not at peace within a certain area of ​​life.

Since that time I have been working personally on this topic again and meanwhile accompanied Killa with homeopathic medicines. As an intuitive channel and animal communicator, I know that resolution of the issue is not only sufficient on a spiritual level, but that medical attention is often also necessary. Luckily I have an amazing holistic doctor.

The consequence? – My personal progress is also reflecting in the healing process of my beloved dog. Of course I know that things don't always go so well, I've experienced that myself whilst living with some my animals. But for me, this knowledge is a great help to accompany and understand them better - and to take responsibility for my animals and myself at the same time.

Killa is just one example of many animals that have shown me in this way what I need to work on. Healing is a lifelong process. Many say – and I used to say to myself too: When will this whole process be over? At some point there must finally be peace and quietness? You're a therapist!…” But stepping into humility I realized that healing is a lifelong process.

A few years ago, I decided to authentically and consistently understand, embrace and heal my past. So I must take responsibility for that decision.

It is an illusion that at some point it will be "over" and we can then live in peace and happiness. I am annoyed by the many articles and reports that want to tell us that a new era is beginning and that everything is getting better now, that we are stepping into the light, 5th dimension etc.. But still have to do our BIG part and embrace this work for as long as it is necessary. It is urgent to admit that we - as our ancestors who live within us and are a part of ourselves, our thoughts, actions and (re-)actions - moved away from their inner light a long long time ago and it is our choice and opportunity to the mess clean up. First and foremost within ourselves!

The more we allow and accept our emotions such as fear, anger, despair, powerlessness, emptiness, etc. with humbleness, gratitude, patience and openness, the more potential there is to find ourselves and to get closer to the inner peace we long for. The more we become aware of who we really are and what we carry within us, the better we learn to ride the potential waves of growth and can become better human beings. And in this way we can live together with more integrity, harmony and respect amongst human beings and with everything that surrounds us.

We are all connected, this is not just a millennia-old wisdom of the sages and shamans, but a scientifically proven fact. Thus, the outside world is a mirror of our inner world. And there we see how much work is to do. The new times give us the opportunity to use this mirror to get to know our own darkness, to understand ourselves better and to EMBRACE everything within, because only in acceptance healing is possible.

I thank all my animal companions for their loyalty, their wisdom and for showing me again and again in their unconditional love who we are and who we are. They give us the chance to grow and develop every day.

Would you like to understand yourself and your animal better and/or would you like to bring more clarity, light and harmony into your life? Then write me. I look forward to hearing from you.

Creating union

"Believe me, I have found it, you will find more in the woods than in the books; Trees and stones will teach you what no master teaches you. (Bernard of Clairvaux)

When people saw themselves as part of Mother Nature and knew that everything around them had a soul, they respected and honored her in a very different way than they do today. Offerings were an important aspect of life, to give thanks to Mother Earth and the gods who surrounded her, to ask for help or protection. "Offering" sounds heavy in today's ear, almost dangerous. But what was sacrificed?: e.g. flowers, seeds, the first harvest, fruits, etc.

In the Andes of Peru and Bolivia these ceremonies are still a very important part of everyday life and I felt very connected to these rituals since my arrival 15 years ago. I felt that they are very powerful and very soon they became a part of my life.

Especially as an animal communicator and medicine woman, I know that everything that surrounds us is alive, you can communicate with everything. Every animal, every tree, every mountain holds messages for us. And then why not thank and honor these beings as well (as we do among humans) - and then feel their gratitude, just as each person of us feels when receiving recognition or thanks! After each offering, an unbelievable feeling of deep connection spreads within me.

Yesterday I went to the mountain that called me to the Sacred Valley of Peru and at the foot of which I have been living for more than 5 years to thank him and all the beings and ancestors of the Tawantinsuyo with a very special offering. Since my youth they had called me to this part of the world, feeling a fire in me to travel to South America without knowing the reason. However, they knew that I should heal my past and that of my ancestors here in order to rediscover the lost roots of my own homeland.

My boundless gratitude and appreciation goes to some very special people here and the ancestors of this world, who have kept their rituals, habits and traditions despite the brutal colonization that continues to this day, so that I too can remember my roots again. For a long time I felt part of the Andean people, but now I know why I couldn't accept my own German roots for so long. I'll write more about that soon.

Today I also bow to all my four-legged masters who have accompanied me on this path. They too have made many sacrifices so that I can take off my armor. They were all present yesterday and I felt their presence, especially that of my dog ​​Inti, who died in this place more than 3 years ago and has set a decisive sign for my healing process.

Do you really want to leave me? - Crossing a bridge of light

A month ago my cat K´anchay became very sick from one day to another and the situation looked pretty bad. A few days of daily vet visits and strong medicines made me realize somewhere deep in my stomach area, that my cat wouldn´t be able to survive this terrible illness which had taken him over.

I never imagined that I would need to take the choice for an animal´s life. In gratitude for my life in the countryside and becoming even more very connected to nature, I also learned over the last few years to embrace the circle of life and death within and around us.

My cat K´anchay had accompanied me for the last 2 years in a tremendously loving way, but also with a very persisting attitude to learn to connect to the here and now, to everything that the present moment held for me. And with the challenging situation I was asked to put into practice his teachings. In the present moment I knew that my cat was suffering, that the chances for his recovery were close to zero.

Being a soul level animal communicator and working with so many clients and their animals, I know that animals chose when and how they leave their physical body, who is going to be present and who not. We have a soul contract – just like we do between humans.

View from my neighbourhood in Urubamba, Sacred Valley Peru

K´anchay chose me to learn important life lessons (just like all animals do with all humans!), so that my soul can evolve and I can become a better human being. The soul contract between both of us had been completed and furthermore, K´anchay chose to leave his physical body in that way – as part of the soul lesson, for me to stay connected in the present moment – and to show me something that I had already heard of, but never seen or experienced …

At the vet´s I held him in my arms and closed my eyes to say good bye. I asked for both of us to be bathed in divine light for the last moments together and instants later, I saw the sky opening. Tremendous, golden, radiant light not only bathed us but also created something in front of my inner eye that I feel to call a bridge of light. On the other side, many animals waited, ready to welcome K´anchay and in front of all of them sat Inti, my dog who had been shot a day after K´anchay and his brothers had been born.

On their side was no sadness, there was no suffering or pain. I felt lightness, joy and happiness and my cat crossed over faster than I had imagined. Our ego wants many words, long good byes, but when I understood what had been happening, he was already gone. My mind couldn´t believe it, but the feeling of peace gave me confirmation of what had just occurred.

Then K´anchay was euthanized, but I knew, that his soul wasn´t with us anymore, just his body. I cried – but not in pain, but in gratitude for this realization and that the animals had given me so much beautiful insight. Thank you.

Do you want to find out more about the way animals communicate with us, please check out my website:

Allow yourself to be broken

Lion cub rescued my her mum, like me rescuing my kitten - or is it the other way around?

It was a sunny Saturday afternoon a couple of months ago, when I found this tiny kitten on the side of the road, which caused me to stop. Two minutes later, she sat on my little boy´s lap in the car. It was an impulse, I had no idea of the consequences yet. The vet didn´t give her too much hope for survival but I felt a strong desire of life in her (she had been maybe 4 -6 weeks old) and my son fell completely in love with her. 

I don´t believe in coincidences and know that THE ANIMAL choses, when it and under what circumstances it wants to come into our life. On a 3D perspective I could say “I saved this little kitten”, but on a deeper level, called soul level, this little girl, which we named Nala (Present in Swaheli and better known as the lioness in my son´s favourite movie Lion King) decided to walk into my life at a once again very crucial point in my life.

My other two cats accompanying us in front of my altar space. K´anchay a few days before his death - warming little Nala with his body.

Nala wasn´t a normal kitten, not only was she completely underdeveloped and malnourished I soon found out that she may also have Leuxemia, a fatal, tricky and terrible cat disease, very common in the area where I live. Constant vet visits were the consequence, injections, treatments – her success of survival was an ongoing rollercoaster ride. A corner in my head asked “What did I get myself into? Don´t I have enough on my plate?” But soon I should learn better.

A couple of days after her arrival, I was confronted with a happening in my personal life that broke me to pieces. It felt impossible to understand, even less to accept, making it impossible to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Above that I became very sick. Our body is just another great messenger of our mental and emotional state of being, even sending out intuitive messages, but this could be another story.

So, here I was struggling to accept, listen to and embrace the tremendous emotional pain that had taken me over and at the same time trying to take care of my little son, my animals - and Nala.

Nala a couple of days recovering with me, whilst making music. Heal your heart through creation.

A week ago I had needed to put my cat K´anchay (Light in Quechua) to sleep. I received the messages very clearly that K´anchay had wanted to leave his physical body to teach me a great lesson. Read about his messages here

I looked at Nala. Did she also want to leave her little body already? She was so incredibly sick I felt there was no more hope. I thought: I don´t want you to be dependent on chemicals all your life and be in an ongoing struggle for survival.

But the messages of staying or leaving weren´t clear. One crucial moment, I picked her up and looked at her desperately, asking: “What is it with you? Do you want to live or not?” – And she responded: “Do YOU want to live or not?” – Ohhh nooo, here it was, the great connection, the puzzle pieces started matching up. Memories of the last few weeks passed within moments. Still somehow in disbelief and tears running down my face I said “Ok, let´s go then.” My great holistic doctor prescribed my some herbal medicine for Nala and a couple of days later, she started eating, gaining weight, she is purring again when – like now whilst I am writing to you. I still sometimes can´t believe what tremendous messengers our animals are.

The struggle isn´t over – neither for her nor in my personal life. I guess, we have quite a way to go. But I look at her and am reminded, that I am also taking tiny steps in embracing what has just happened in my for life. Nothing is ever a coincidence.


I will keep you updated on Nala´s progress.


PS: I didn´t want to write another sad post, but Nala pushed me, because she says it will help others in challenging moments of frustration, fear and despair. I pray that we can learn to embrace with humbleness and gratitude everything that comes in these challenging times. Everything arises for us to learn a lesson, to become better human beings.

Many blessings from Peru.

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May the light shine on.

K´anchay, you were born here under the chimney in our little house on 20 – 01 – 2020 together with your 5 other completely black brothers and sisters the day before Inti was shot. The times that followed would change my life in tremendous ways.

You were the odd kitten, that wanted to stay with me, the one that had some funny long white hairs on your back. You were a bit of a loner. We had already entered the time of famous C**** quarantine when I had found homes for the others and you were the one that did not want to leave the house at all. You were uncatchable. Your mom was somehow not happy with your stay, she always rejected you a bit. It was heartbreaking at times. I asked you for your name and heard: K´anchay (light in Quechua) and I remember thinking, what a weird name. I then remember the download I received afterwards of you being the predecessor of my beloved dog Inti (Sun in Quechua). More about that in that blog post.

Since Inti´s death I had been walking in a lot of darkness, embracing all the medicine that it brought forward, all the healing, every sun ray. I don’t judge it, I am a Scorpio, I am the walker in the night in Mayan and I had so strongly prayed to heal myself. I chose this path myself - and you walked it so magically with me. The sun returned step by step into my heart and life, whilst I kept and keep healing my past, the past of my ancestors – personally and collectively.

K’anchay, you were so stubborn, every time I came home you started crying so loudly and persistently that it even annoyed me. It took some time to understand that you wanted me to be in the present moment, to sit down first of all, connect with home and calmness before carrying on with whatever needed to be done. You so often lay on that part of body, which felt in pain. You and your mum were always present when I sat down in front of my altar space, you both were always present when I played music, when was creative. I sometimes thought you must be the most surrendered and love seeking cat in the world. Whilst writing now, I hear you purr silently, I feel you but I also smell the pain of your suffering that last few days.

Around two years later the universe brings me a strong reminder of the events that happened two years ago. Over the last two months the movie “Groundhog day” has become a reality in my life in so many unbelievable ways that it made it hard breathing at times: same people, same situations, same places, same connections, same lessons … just in a more compressed form. The universe came to teach me the same lesson again and to ask whether I was ready to embrace now, what is awaiting me?

When the events started repeating themselves my little kitten Nala ( I found out, that it means “present” in Swahili) started a fight of life and death, prayers every night for her survival until the next day, whilst I was emotionally living parallel the repeating pain of 2020.

And on Saturday, 26th March I saw my black cat K´anchay sitting at my window looking like a ghost … sooo terribly sick. The vet didn´t give me many chances but I tried and prayed and realized that groundhog time was also repeating itself here. K´anchay, my light in the darkness, wanted to leave, he was suffering too much. I had felt it coming: that I would need to choose for his pain relief and when I was at the veterinarian I closed my eyes and bathed ourselves in tears and then I felt streams and streams of golden light running all over us. He was lying so calmly in my arms, I felt the oneness of our connection, of our hearts. Suddenly so many animals appeared in front of my inner eye, so much light, I felt so much welcoming love and in front of all of them was my dog Inti - beautiful, shining and strong as always - welcoming K´anchay to come over. And off he went, he left with no pain, with no sorrow or judgement. The vet´s heartfelt work was only something with K´anchay´s body. I knew his spirit wasn´t there anymore.

“Katja, my lesson with you is done. The light has gone out, I have guided you through the pain, I have taken some of your pain. Your death is my death. Your rebirth is my rebirth. My suffering is gone; your suffering will fade. Bury your pain together with my pain. I am light, you are light, we are eternal light. United in love and peace.”  

May your light shine on, within me and us, all around us. Thank you for sharing this journey with me, my brother, master and friend. I love and honour you.

Urubamba, on the foot of Apu Pumahuanca 1 – 4- 2022


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A matter of life and death

I had not suffered from anxiety attacks for a few months, but some recent happenings brought them right back to my reality again. How much I fear them, how much I get into a state of panic when I feel them arising.

Yesterday I was in the middle of cooking and out of nowhere I felt the sadness slowly wanting to flood over, my heart began racing and I felt my stomach tightening. I tried to calm myself, asking where it came from right now? – No answer. I wondered if it was really mine? – No answer. I tried to carry on concentrating on my cooking, went into the garden to collect some veggies and herbs – No help. My heart started beating faster, my stomach became tighter and started burning. I took my Rescue remedy various times – No relieve.

More panic, more fear: what to do? where to run to? I ran into the garden and sat on the grass. Trying to breathe, then trying to concentrate on my breathing. A force pushed me to lay down on the grass. There I was fully connected to the trembling of my body, the heart racing so fast it could win a marathon, my stomach area ready to explode like a volcano. I couldn´t get up any more, I was flat on the ground. I felt my body so heavy as if I was sinking into the earth. I was in a grave, my own grave. It was heavy and dark and unbelievably real. My mind went blank – thank God and I just kept breathing, trying to feel all the sensations in my body. Dying, death all within me. And all I did was surrender. Maybe the first time in my life I consciously surrendered to this moment of death, no thinking, just being by my own death.  

No idea, how many moments went by until I realized that my heart beat slowed down, that the fire became smaller, that the trembling and shivering of my body became calmer. My cat K´anchay had made himself comfortable on my belly, then being replaced by my dog´s head Killa.

I slowly calmed down and started feeling the tremendous embrace of Mother Earth, then finally started hearing the rushing sound of the water nearby, the sun shining on my face and the wind tickling my skin: You are alive (again).

For years I had run away from these attacks, I would never have them allowed to arise, “killing” them with sweets, alcohol, work, social media. I used to cry and flip, go mad, look for others being responsible for my anxiety. Anything, just not to embrace it. But I am on a body cleanse right now, so there was no escape.

And here I am, for the first time I really managed to overcome this incredibly powerful wave of emotions that want to be brought into awareness. So many phrases I had read about confronting, but finally I had been able to.

And today I embraced another one. And I did the same, then cried about the pain that is still alive inside me, then cried in relieve that it was possible to release one more layer of my onions. That doesn’t mean that I am not scared of more of these attacks wanting to be come to the surface, but is there an option, if my deepest prayer is to heal everything I can that still hurts within?

Healing is a life long journey, I start to understand and whilst being in this body there will never be an end. It is the way I am able to observe, manage, hold and embrace everything.  

Cat wisdom

Someone should understand my female cat Mimi, who I want to strongly feel to write about today ... Mimi was always quite shy and not really cuddly, which I assumed begin rare for domestic cats who spend most of their lives with cuddly people.

After Mimi had given birth to her 6 kittens almost two years ago, I had her castrated and although we kept a cat boy - K'anchay, which I have already written about in previous blogs, cat mum Mimi withdrew more and more from me and became extremely shy, even aggressive and didn't want to put up with any more petting. This often frustrated and even annoyed me.

Almost two years have gone by, almost the same period of time as my intensive therapeutic process here in the Peruvian Andes, which arose from the deep desire to heal many deep (especially masculine) wounds and to not only awaken the sacred femininity in me, but also to internalize and to make it a part of my life.

Part of my therapeutic work involved creative tasks - and beautifully reawakened the creativity I had banished in my youth. Over time, I noticed how Mimi made herself more and more comfortable at my side while I was embroidering, making music, painting or working with clay. It soon became notoriously noticeable. At times she slept on my altar, which has been supporting my process from the beginning.

She slowly liked it again to be petted, but she never purred. At times I had wondered if she had problems with her vocal cords. In the last few months, however, I noticed clearly that not only her enjoyment of my caresses, but also her trust opened up. She started to play with me and at times also transformed into a passionately purring panther.

Tonight I'm sitting in front of my altar again and Mimi came back to me after a while, wanted to play, purred and is now cuddling up to my leg, gives me confirmation again that we both have femininity, and thus the trust, the gentleness, the Dedication and learning to embrace learning to receive. She has accompanied me in her special way and through her behavior to understand, embrace and slowly transform my fears, traumas., anger, denial, fury and so on. And because of my changed behavior, she has changed the way she interacts with me now in such incredible and magical ways.

This is exactly what animals teach us - through their positive or negative behavior, through their peculiarities and illnesses, sometimes even through their disappearance from our world, THEY TEACH US to get to know us better, to heal wounds, to find more clarity - simply to BECOME A BETTER PERSON. We only have to open our hearts to understand their form of communication. Thank you Mimi for your patient work with me - healing is a process. And I am so thankful for all beings who accompany me in such a wonderful way.

A different kind of dog´s message

Today I want to share with you an animal communication with a very different purpose that occurred to me twice over the last few weeks and therefore caught my attention.

I have been visiting my friend various times and the neighbour´s dog really caught my eye with his presence. He so much touched my heart, which is something that I pay attention to as an animal communicator, because when something moves us, I know there is a soul contract involved between the human and the animal. I started asking about him to find out that his owners had left for Brazil and nobody knew when they would be back. A relative came by a couple of times a week to give him food, the rest of the time this amazing dog was left alone in the garden.

Our connection, his surrender when I stroke him and the story moved me so much, that I decided to adopt him until the owners´ return. My friend asked, then we lost contact and suddenly I felt no more of his presence, which somehow was strange but I trusted.

It turned out that my friend´s phone call and my wish for adoption had moved the family so much, that the relative started properly looking after the dog and that the daughter decided to return from Brazil to give her god the so much needed love and attention, he had asked for. The young lady and dog Sami both are happily together again and I cried tears of gratitude.

Gratitude, that I had moved everything to help this dog, then surrendering to the situation with a prayer of his wellbeing. And so it turned out.

And pretty much the same happened a few days again when someone posted about an abandoned dog, who urgently needed a new home. Once again I was so moved and decided to move all the energy for his wellbeing, last chance adopting him, letting him know, that he would not end up in the street, but also taking into consideration my own physical limits with all the animals that I have. I have no idea how it happened, but suddenly I received the message, that the owner had been found and that the dog was safe.

It still feels weird, having helped the animals in a very new way, not aware of the consequences of my connection with them. I generally “speak” to them when I feel a soul contract and ask what can be done, what they want to share but this time I just acted, letting them know that there are not alone.

Thank you for the lessons of utter trust and action from that place of the heart, without words, just being present.

Giving gratitude

I felt that the end of the Gregorian year no longer mattered to me, because I thought it was just a date or maybe because I celebrated this year in a very special way the new return to the sun - the solistice and Christmas, but sitting at my altar I realize that something inside myself wants to say good buy. It may be that the 31 ot december is coming closer (and all the collective feelings that lead to this feeling), it may be that I finally have a little time for myself, it may be that I have to write the post, once more giving voice to my heart:

@Lucila Vairo, thank you for capturing my feelings

I want to thank my blood family for their love, for having always done the best they could for me and once again I am sorry for having had to go for so long so far to find myself, to heal me, to give birth to who I really am and where I come from.

On this day I want to thank my little family that I created, who brought me and continues to bring me so much medicine full of light and darkness to find harmony, peace, clarity and healing.

I thank all my friends in so many parts of the world that I have been able to meet, with whom I have been able to share special moments. Some of them have been short, some of them lasted for months, even years or decades - travels, parties, work, casual encounters, encounters on the path of healing - I now believe that all have been encounters that greatly brought healing, since the awakened consciousness, being part of a big unique puzzle. There were disagreements, they are part of life, were are human beings walking our indivudial path of life here on earth. I have hurt persons and I deeply apologize for uncoscious words or acts. At this moment, when there is so much separation, I carry us even more in my heart, we may have different opinions, different experiences. That is life, but the heart unites us. And I apologize for having spent a lot of time in my "cave" (that used to be filled with fear, darkness, lonelyness, anger, abandonment, negación etc.) that I finally managed to honor and love and therefore heal, for which many times I do not communicate. But it became an incredibly sacred and healing space for me.

I want to so much honor and thank my homeland with its rivers, seas, forests, hills and mountains, my ancestors. I humbly honor and thank the powerful apus: caretakers, protectors and healers, the lagoons and rivers with the presence of the ancestors who welcomed and guided me all throughout this time here in the land of Tawantinsuyo and the Sacred Valley of the Incas. I thank the Great Mother Earth for all her unconditional love, for her abundance, her elements: sacred fire, water, air and earth for being such a great medicine, being such great messengers, all the invisible beings that surround us, full of wisdom and love.

Each one has been and still is a great teacher for me. I lower my head in humbleness and gratitude, opening my heart for my love and affection so it can reach you. Each one of you is unique in my heart.

Haylli Pachamama. Danke. Thank you.

Wishing you a harmonious end to the year.

Nothing is less than a pilgrimage

The sacred mountain from my garden

The sacred mountain from my garden

I have been living literally on the foot of Apu Tantanmarka for nearly five years, but never felt a calling to visit its peak - Until she revealed herself to me as a feminine energy just a few days ago and since then kept calling.

So I used my family free Sunday to visit her with a hike and an offering to honour her new presence in my life. And whilst doing so, once again, I was called on all my pain and sadness,releasing my tears to this ancient female sacred mountain and to mother earth.

Killa and me at Tantanmarka top

Killa and me at Tantanmarka top

My dogs generally accompany me and I wanted to honour my female dog KILLA in this post and all her teachings for me but things drastically changed when we returned the same way we came from. Foxy, my male dog stepped and then fell into a tremendous cactus, yelling in pain. Taking the long and thick cactus spines out of his body and partly out of mine (as I needed to rescue him) took incredible strength and pain. He was in such agony that he didn't want to carry on walking any more, surrendering, staying behind.

I had to carry him at times, encourage and persuade him. Finally we decided to take another route which worked out to be much easier for us to get back.

There I understood the lesson: "Get these painful spines out of your heart that still hurt you so much, be strong and keep going. Everything will be OK. You don't have to walk the challenging route full of spines, danger and pain, there is another path, just as accessible to you. Let's walk it together." And so we did. We always have a choice.

It is so terrible and heartbreaking what animals go through for us to get the messages through to us, that are meant for our own life journey. Sometimes they don't find another way (like this painful message from my dog Foxy) to move our emotions and to put us back on our path. They can show it in this way, in certain behaviours, illnesses and even their choice of passing from this life time.

Do you have an animal that challenges you and you don't understand why? I help you uncover the messages that your beloved pet wants to bring forward to you for the evolvement of your soul and a deeper connection between you and your furry friend.

What makes an extra chicken in your life?

In numbers I have a balance in my family members who accompany my dearly and lovingly by constantly pushing my buttons.

Two dogs, one male and female. Two cats, one male and female and... As I used to say "my three" chickens who used to put an extra weight on more feminine power. Balancing the masculine and feminine energies inside me has been a topic that has been very powerful in my own healing process and still is and my animals show me through their (mis) behaviour where I stand.

The males (incl. my little boy) are strong, stubborn, persistent and csn drive me with these attitudes against the wall.


The females are shy, always in the background, hardly visible.

What does it say about me and my energies inside me? Yes, my animals are a reflection of my female and masculine energy. And believe me, I have changed already a lot but their strong presence and actions as well as behaviours show me how much more (and it is a life long) I still have to walk.

Now the chickens... As mentioned I thought they would push forward the feminine energy. When I got back from holidays a few weeks ago I thought about my third one that my little boy got for his birthday: wow, you are growing big for a, chicnen... A few days ago at 4.30 am the first attempts of something like a kikeriki... I nearly fell off my bed because within days this apparent lovely chicken turned into a proud strong cock. I am confused, worried and so stunningly surprised, still unsure what medicine he will bring forward, because I really don't know whether he can stay with us. But that is an animal story that I had a few times in my life: should he/she stay or go??? And generally they stayed... Even more worrying... I will keep you updated.


And read in my next post on how female and masculine animal energies have pushed puttons and now move their buttons to ns into different directions.

We all have soul contracts with animals, especially with our pets. Through their behaviour, their illnesses and even passing THEY want to teach US to be be better humans as they are beings of unconditional love and light. Want to know more, check out my website:

The power of nature – the power of love


I still need to keep looking for my breath, holding coca leaves in my hands and processing what is happening, because I still can´t really grasp it. I stopped believing a long time ago that coincidences happen and less when you see miracles with your own eyes. I want to share just one of my recent tremendous encounters with nature and share with you how deeply connected we are…

I have been intensively working for a couple of years on healing my ancestral heritage – a path through a lot of darkness, death, denial, fear, anger, power struggle and so much more. Recently I opened a new chapter and felt accompanying this process profoundly with the sacred energy of the water.  Water represents the female energy of the mother, the flow of life, it connects to our emotions. And this chapter of life was completed connected to the rejection of emotions, denial and therefore no flow of water and life energy. During the first couple of days of receiving this energy, my natural garden pond flooded. Yep, you may think it is a coincidence. I tell you, that my pond is in shape of a heart, where water constantly enters and disappears on the other side – and has been doing so for many years already.

And with the opening of this new energy work chapter, suddenly the water didn´t disappear any more, it somehow was blocked and it got dangerously high (for having a small child and many animals), at times it looked like it was going to overflow. I tried to get help, to unblock, put prayer… but nothing, it stayed blocked, got dirty and me moving for three weeks  between concern and trusting in the tremendous natural messengers around me, that had not failed me ever.

Yesterday I officially finished this chapter with a closing ceremony and an offering by the river. Today in the morning once again the water rose dangerously – and it is complete madness… out of nowhere the pond unblocked and the water disappeared today, bringing it back to normal, as if nothing had happened. I know that this is the message of mother water, mama Yaku, who had heard my prayers, that healing is taking place – THAT WE ARE NOT ALONE. Me we be very observant of everything around us, everything and everyone has a powerful message for us. Be careful with your thoughts, wishes and desires – they may be heard and come true. ;) Be humble and grateful.

My animals – not only my pets – have also been incredible messengers of this process and not only one has sacrificed itself during this transformative journey. A lot needs to be shared still, but a week ago, one of my baby chickens sacrificed itself in the famous flooded heart-shaped pool, the little child that had not able to fly, that drowned in the overflow of unexpressed and unprocessed emotions. May you be blessed little sister and fly high with the stars on the night sky. I received your message. Every night we say good night to you in the starry sky.

May life flow, may emotions be able to be expressed and be embraced, they are all part of us and scream for our presence. And the trees are whistling its confirmation.

Three little piglets


I live in the countryside here in the Sacred Valley of Peru and it is one of my regular activities to go for a walk across the fields with my little nearly three year old boy. He is just as connected to animals as I am and therefore loves interacting with animals (and plants as well). For a few weeks we had the honour of being able to enjoy the presence of three little piglets and their mum in a nearby field. We sometimes spent an hour watching their playful activities, their connection with their mum, the funny sounds they made and the constant happy tail wiggling.

A couple of weeks ago we noticed that two of the piglets were gone, I assume they had been sold. ACCEPTANCE. So, we enjoyed mum and one piglet, that became more curious and playful every time.

A couple of days ago we went once again for a walk to enjoy mum and baby, but upon arrival the little one was alone and no mum in close view. My little boy was wondering, searching and asking, where mum had gone. My stomach tightened and walking a few meters further we saw the puddle of blood  and in the backyard a dead pig mum in a wheelbarrow. My body tightened, eyes became wet and my stomach hurt. I decided to carry on the walk I took some deep breaths and sat down. What came over me was gratitude. GRATITUDE to life, the feeling of surrendering to what is life and death. THIS IS the circle of life, as challenging as it looks and feels. I feel gratitude to living so close to LIFE, to nature and humble native families here where I live, because every one of these powerful encounters with mother nature and our interaction as humans with her, makes me feel more connected to life and the circles of life.

The pig mum was in peace. I felt here peace, I felt her presence and her surrender to what is. She was ok with it and my breath took me to that same state, that everything was ok. I gave thanks to her, to her life as a sister of mine and as a mother and to the many beautiful moments that we had shared together.

Life is so tremendously powerful.

PS: Thank you, dear Cleo that you asked and pushed me to start sharing my animal encounters again. Yes, I will start writing again.

The vision and work of a shaman-ess

Living a life of a shaman is neither a spiritual practice nor a belief, but a way of living through action – a life in balance, in profound and constant connection with nature and taking a responsible role within the community.

Everything in the universe is alive, in movement and vibrating and therefore full of consciousness and messages. For thousands of years, shamans have been able to communicate with everything that surrounds us – with plants, rocks, the sun, animals, the ancestors and spirit itself. They are able to travel between the physical realm and the “unseen” world to bring messages forward for individuals and for the community in order to bring balance, harmony, peace, clarity and healing.

It is the role of a shaman to remind us that we are a part of the web of life and that we need to honor and learn to live in balance with everything that surrounds us (keep reading)