It was a sunny Saturday afternoon a couple of months ago, when I found this tiny kitten on the side of the road, which caused me to stop. Two minutes later, she sat on my little boy´s lap in the car. It was an impulse, I had no idea of the consequences yet. The vet didn´t give her too much hope for survival but I felt a strong desire of life in her (she had been maybe 4 -6 weeks old) and my son fell completely in love with her.
I don´t believe in coincidences and know that THE ANIMAL choses, when it and under what circumstances it wants to come into our life. On a 3D perspective I could say “I saved this little kitten”, but on a deeper level, called soul level, this little girl, which we named Nala (Present in Swaheli and better known as the lioness in my son´s favourite movie Lion King) decided to walk into my life at a once again very crucial point in my life.
My other two cats accompanying us in front of my altar space. K´anchay a few days before his death - warming little Nala with his body.
Nala wasn´t a normal kitten, not only was she completely underdeveloped and malnourished I soon found out that she may also have Leuxemia, a fatal, tricky and terrible cat disease, very common in the area where I live. Constant vet visits were the consequence, injections, treatments – her success of survival was an ongoing rollercoaster ride. A corner in my head asked “What did I get myself into? Don´t I have enough on my plate?” But soon I should learn better.
A couple of days after her arrival, I was confronted with a happening in my personal life that broke me to pieces. It felt impossible to understand, even less to accept, making it impossible to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Above that I became very sick. Our body is just another great messenger of our mental and emotional state of being, even sending out intuitive messages, but this could be another story.
So, here I was struggling to accept, listen to and embrace the tremendous emotional pain that had taken me over and at the same time trying to take care of my little son, my animals - and Nala.
A week ago I had needed to put my cat K´anchay (Light in Quechua) to sleep. I received the messages very clearly that K´anchay had wanted to leave his physical body to teach me a great lesson. Read about his messages here.
I looked at Nala. Did she also want to leave her little body already? She was so incredibly sick I felt there was no more hope. I thought: I don´t want you to be dependent on chemicals all your life and be in an ongoing struggle for survival.
But the messages of staying or leaving weren´t clear. One crucial moment, I picked her up and looked at her desperately, asking: “What is it with you? Do you want to live or not?” – And she responded: “Do YOU want to live or not?” – Ohhh nooo, here it was, the great connection, the puzzle pieces started matching up. Memories of the last few weeks passed within moments. Still somehow in disbelief and tears running down my face I said “Ok, let´s go then.” My great holistic doctor prescribed my some herbal medicine for Nala and a couple of days later, she started eating, gaining weight, she is purring again when – like now whilst I am writing to you. I still sometimes can´t believe what tremendous messengers our animals are.
The struggle isn´t over – neither for her nor in my personal life. I guess, we have quite a way to go. But I look at her and am reminded, that I am also taking tiny steps in embracing what has just happened in my for life. Nothing is ever a coincidence.
I will keep you updated on Nala´s progress.
PS: I didn´t want to write another sad post, but Nala pushed me, because she says it will help others in challenging moments of frustration, fear and despair. I pray that we can learn to embrace with humbleness and gratitude everything that comes in these challenging times. Everything arises for us to learn a lesson, to become better human beings.
Many blessings from Peru.
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