I don´t like my cat

I should not feel this way as an animal lover and soul level animal communicator, but I felt a really unpleasant connection with my cat. We had found her in the street only a week before we left for our new journey to Germany for three months. It was an amazing but exhausting trip and challenges awaited as soon as we got back to Peru.

My desperate necessity for rest brought a tremendous rejection to the new cat. She was persistent in asking for attention, getting on my nerves with a miau that sounds like a crow, she kept fighting with my other cat and fought for food like a huge cat. Guess what, her name is Panther. Her energy was just too penetrating – it was the last think that I needed after my return Germany. I was hungry for peace and quietness.

But guess what, animals are beings of unconditional love and come into our life in order to teach us to become better humans. Any (mis-)behavior, pattern or illness has profound messages for us and it is up to the human to understand the message – or to ask for help through animal communication. In her way of being she tried her best to tell me, what I need.

So all my cat Panther did, was show me, how desperately I needed to look after myself, take time for myself, rest and settle in back at home in the Sacred Valley. She needed to use her big cat Panther energy so I would really take my rest seriously.

When I was finally able to embrace her messages, her energy also changed. She calmed down and we found a more loving, harmonious connection. Animals are such great masters and teachers.

Are you trying to understand your animal better? What buttons does your beloved pet press to get your emotions going? I look forward to reading you.

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