photo: Lucila Vairo
The last few days I felt a rising in tense energy within me and today was the moment to make space for connecting to myself, to check what was going on with me. I admit, that have been very busy the last few weeks with the creation of new projects, taking responsability for a new job, completing tasks - so a lot of mind-orientated work.
I lit a candle, sat down and started breathing, listening. Then I felt the urge to connect to my body. I started dancing, moving all the emotions, that wanted to arise. Tears started rolling down my face. No necessity to find out where they came from. I just cried danced and allowed ed my heart and my soul to express themselves.
Suddenly I saw the current images of the missing rain, the burning fields and forests in so many places here in South America, I heard the frogs in my backyard as well as the parrots calling for rain - like they do every day these days. We so much need the rain.
I cried and danced, calling in my heart for the soothing rain. I am one with Mother Earth, we are the children of Mother Earth. Burning heat and no rain - a reflection of inner and outer world: inner and outer rage, hate, war, unjusticeness, so much fear that makes it difficult to connect to our emotions, to our necessity to stop and listen, to feel whatever needs to be felt.
I cry, I dance, I pray for rain - inside and outside of ourselves.
May it be so.