
Something about me

Today I feel the desire to share a bit about my life journey, that made me who I am today.

The love for animals and nature, a high sensitivity, insatiable curiosity and the desire to make the world a happier and more peaceful place shaped my childhood in the socialist world of the GDR.

Foreign languages were another passion. I felt that they would open me the doors to the world. I went to London as German teacher and made my career at the Goethe-Institut. But I was dissatisfied and kept feeling this profound calling to South America, which I had felt since my youth.

A solo backpacking trip to Costa Rica in 2008 became a jumping bridge to freedom and a farewell to London, my relationship, security and prosperity. In the jungle, thanks to courage, curiosity and a thirst for adventure, I discovered a completely new, unique contact with wild nature and also with my inner wild, free side.

What was I looking for? – I didn't know it, but I felt an insatiable longing for depth, freedom and true life. After a few months of traveling, I crossed the border into Bolivia with a high fever. In dilirium I saw from the bus the "mamitas" (native country women) with their long braids and colorful dresses sitting on the side of the road. An unspeakable feeling came over me: I had arrived!!! Their way of life, the powerful connection to Mother Earth, the ancestral rituals, the ritual chewing of the coca leaves—everything felt familiar. Should I be (or have been) part of this culture?

I thought and felt it for a long time, but the path to self-discovery still held many other lessons. Since I'm not someone who generally learns things from books, openness, curiosity and (often adventurous) trying things out have largely determined my life. Over time I started hearing voices, leaving my body, seeing things not visible to the human eye. I first found help in courses such as Reiki, pendulum and above all soul level animal communication, which gave my intuition and recognized gift as a medium a goal and an outlet.

Despite this, my life was also shaped for a long time by programs such as negation, reactivity, naivety and excessive alcohol consumption (escape). One opens only as far as the ego allows in its pain and with its lived past and that of its ancestors.

With the birth of my son in 2018, my life should change even more. Everything happens for a reason. This little being tore up everything in me that had not been brought into light, understood and healed until then - and this was still an incredible amount. The Scorpio in me now embarked on a returnless journey into the darkness to finally connect with the truth of its being.

Thanks to the patient and at the same time persistent accompaniment of my therapist, I went into the abysses of my own past and that of my Nordic ancestors, learned to understand the many traumas, programs and soul contracts that have been separating us since a very long time from our true self and the connection to everything that surrounds us. Sheding layers and layers of skin, I starting finding more clarity, light, connection and intuition in the darkness and loneliness of my own past. I realized that I was started evolving more and more into a channel of consciousness and the voices that want to be heard.

Many wonderful people, animals and other beings have (un)consciously guided me on this path up until now. However, I acknowledge that I have become a different person. I am a woman and mother with alive Nordic roots who honors her femininity and lives it with all her energies. In my healing, I want to redeem my ancestors - to the extent that I can - while at the same time create a more healed and coscious path for my son and the descendants who will come after him.

It is my desire, thanks to my personal experiences, processes, connections and knowledge, to encourage and help others to also embark on a search within to reconnect with themselves, their ancestors and what surrounds us.

Are the illnesses of our beloved animals a mirror of our soul?

As part of my own healing process in recent years, many wonderful four-legged friends have accompanied me, many of them came into my life for a short time, some for a longer or long period.

Thanks to holistic biodecoding, I have learned that all illnesses are manifestations of our soul and therefore of our emotions, which make themselves aware in our body so that we (and therefore our body) can heal and repair. Sometimes I have to laugh (although it's not funny at all) when I get sick again and then realize that the symptom of the illness which is appearing at that moment is a mirror of what I am currently ready to process on a soul level.

What does this have to do with my animals? I had to realize that they, too, show me through their illnesses aspects of myself that I have not yet worked through (with all facets) or resolved.

Only recently it was my wonderful dog Killa, on whom I discovered a tumor on the liver. At first I was shocked and full of despair, then I connected to both of us and she showed me that I am still not at peace within a certain area of ​​life.

Since that time I have been working personally on this topic again and meanwhile accompanied Killa with homeopathic medicines. As an intuitive channel and animal communicator, I know that resolution of the issue is not only sufficient on a spiritual level, but that medical attention is often also necessary. Luckily I have an amazing holistic doctor.

The consequence? – My personal progress is also reflecting in the healing process of my beloved dog. Of course I know that things don't always go so well, I've experienced that myself whilst living with some my animals. But for me, this knowledge is a great help to accompany and understand them better - and to take responsibility for my animals and myself at the same time.

Killa is just one example of many animals that have shown me in this way what I need to work on. Healing is a lifelong process. Many say – and I used to say to myself too: When will this whole process be over? At some point there must finally be peace and quietness? You're a therapist!…” But stepping into humility I realized that healing is a lifelong process.

A few years ago, I decided to authentically and consistently understand, embrace and heal my past. So I must take responsibility for that decision.

It is an illusion that at some point it will be "over" and we can then live in peace and happiness. I am annoyed by the many articles and reports that want to tell us that a new era is beginning and that everything is getting better now, that we are stepping into the light, 5th dimension etc.. But still have to do our BIG part and embrace this work for as long as it is necessary. It is urgent to admit that we - as our ancestors who live within us and are a part of ourselves, our thoughts, actions and (re-)actions - moved away from their inner light a long long time ago and it is our choice and opportunity to the mess clean up. First and foremost within ourselves!

The more we allow and accept our emotions such as fear, anger, despair, powerlessness, emptiness, etc. with humbleness, gratitude, patience and openness, the more potential there is to find ourselves and to get closer to the inner peace we long for. The more we become aware of who we really are and what we carry within us, the better we learn to ride the potential waves of growth and can become better human beings. And in this way we can live together with more integrity, harmony and respect amongst human beings and with everything that surrounds us.

We are all connected, this is not just a millennia-old wisdom of the sages and shamans, but a scientifically proven fact. Thus, the outside world is a mirror of our inner world. And there we see how much work is to do. The new times give us the opportunity to use this mirror to get to know our own darkness, to understand ourselves better and to EMBRACE everything within, because only in acceptance healing is possible.

I thank all my animal companions for their loyalty, their wisdom and for showing me again and again in their unconditional love who we are and who we are. They give us the chance to grow and develop every day.

Would you like to understand yourself and your animal better and/or would you like to bring more clarity, light and harmony into your life? Then write me. I look forward to hearing from you.