Non-Profit Organization: Reparation Julia Tupaq Yupanqui
Exactly 532 AD, the royal house of Castile (now Spain) conquered the Amazonian and Andean territories, including what is now called Peru. The consequences of the brutal pilagging followed by the colonization of the lands have left deep wounds up to this day in the local people and in the land.
Reparation fires
7 years of reparation we worked in front of sacred fires, using prayers, channeling tools to allow the ancestors as well as sacred ancient temple sites to express their pain, sadness, fear, anger, loss in a safe empethatic space. We also invited locals to share their stories, they could mourn and armonize the pain.
At the end of 2023 we have changed our focus of work and want to work espcially with the men, women and children who live among us today. We are currently a team of four members: Roxana Avendano and Oscar Oviedo from Peru, Laura Quiroga from Bolivia and me, Katja Wostradowski, living in the Sacred Valley of Peru and founded the non-profit organization: Reparation Julia Tupaq Yupanqui in February 2024.
It is our mission is to be an organization that promotes Sumaq Kausay (Good Living), contributing in this way to repair the effects produced by the colonization, represented by the phenomenon of the hacienda in Peru. We exalt cultural identity and honor the ancestral legacy of the Peruvian territory.
Personally, I come from Germany and have been living here in the Sacred Valley of Peru for 7 years. I work with my personal and the Nordic ancestors, who have allowed me to realize that we have an open debt here in South America since the colonization, which is still taking place until today, visible at many levels of society. I want to cultivate an awareness of reparation in the Nordic nation of the effects of colonization produced in the Andean territory, thus contributing to reinvigorate the ancestral legacy of Sumaq Kausay, relying on consciousness and the Nordic ancestral legacy. As a representative of the Nordic continent, I am ready for the necessary acts of repair whenever it is necessary. I am a point of reference for Nordic reparation in this land as well as a reference when it come to to ask for forgiveness, the beginning of the reparation work.
current Specific projects
From September 2023 to date (1 year) the organization has financed (within the process of the initial task that lasted 7 years) the process of a young Piseña woman to mother her 3-year-old girl, providing her with 450 soles per month, so that she doesn´t have to work full time, but only part time in order to take care of raising her daughter.
1:1 Therapeutic Accompaniment
From her office in Pisaq (Sacred Valley of Peru), Roxana Avendaño has been caring for 1 person and a local family, as well as a person from Bolivia, financing 50% of these care with the REPAIR FUND, a fund she has created with a percentage of the company's income. She has been addressing obsessive-compulsive disorders, violent family dynamics, lack of self-esteem and insecurity in adolescence, biodecoding. Counting on the support of Óscar Oviedo (Holistic Doctor) with the medication, and supporting his treatment approach for biodecodification
Ongoing participation in conferences, workshops
April 2024: Chakaruna Tinkuy - 4 day event with 70 international participants
July 2024: Revidication of Cacao - 2 day event
Sept 2024 Warmy Tinkuy - - 4 day event with 130 international female participants
Oct 2024: Online workshop of 4 sessions - The female menstrual cycle, bringing back to live the ancestral wisdom and creating empowerment for women.
support us and become part of our team
We have big goals because the task is huge. We currently need both financial support and donations of services in order to take the next steps: create a statute so we can register our organization, create a logo, create a website, organize fundraising campaigns and become more present on social networks.
If you are interested in our mission and would like to support us, then write to us: Here you can also receive our newsletter.
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Thank you for taking the time to read about our mission.