Connection with the spiritual world - is that possible?
Connection with the spiritual world - is that possible? What is it used for? How does it work?
Several years ago I recognized and manifested the gift of be able to enter into contact with the spiritual world.
For me, this is everything that exists around us, that is, what is not visible in material form and can always be at our side as a protection and adviser. Probably the most well-known are angels and archangels, each with certain abilities and available to all of us at all times.
But each of us has also been assigned a team of spiritual guides from birth, they are a connection to our higher self, to God, or Pachamama and they see our life from a bird's eye view.
We usually see our own life in a very limited way, shaped by previous experiences, trauma, fears, dreams and desires, but not from the perspective of our soul, which is realized in our human body and pursues a so-called soul plan. The great goal of all human beings is the evolution of the soul towards inner peace, love and light. In doing so, it brings every kind of event, people, even animals, into our lives so that we can learn what we should be learning. This is often not easy, it can cause many emotions that we don´t want to face, that we cannot and do not want to understand.
And this is where the powerful and insightful connection to our divine guides can help, through whose connection we learn to better understand the current situation and at the same time get tools at hand to see, understand, embrace this situation from a different perspective , transform, let go or heal. They can show us soul connections between people, for example, why I have this difficult boss, why I am in a relationship in which I am not respected or why my daughter does not want to sleep at night.
As human beings, it is our responsibility and free will to decide for ourselves whether we want to use this help, but it is unconditionally available to everyone at all times.
As a shaman, channel and medium, it is possible for me to make this connection on an entirely telepathically and intuitively basis and to transmit all messages in an understandable, clear and sensitive way. If you feel the calling, you are looking for advice, help or clarity, then it is my mission to accompany you. My work is both online and face-to-face and both are equally effective.