I asked myself whether mankind has learned and learned from the experiences of quarentine, instrospection and dealing with mother nature and how it will go on. Will people go back to their unconscious habits?
I got the following response from my guides:
Imagine YOU were the representation of humanity, YOU were the universe, how would you rate yourself and the world?
Just look inside yourself, give space to all your facets. Do not seek an image of yourself, not what your parents, religion, society, or spiritual masters have taught you to be. You are a colorful rainbow with ALL feelings, thoughts, emotions - EVERYTHING is part of you.
If you want a change in humanity, do not look outside, just ask yourself and in fact only yourself: What do I not accept and embrace (yet) in and in me? Finally start embracing all of your pain (mentally and physically), FINALLY allowing all of your emotions. In doing so, I mean not to suppress them anymore, but also not to act and react, but to finally give them the necessary space, the attention and love that they have been longing for so long that they need so much! Without rating, without blaming, without falling into the victim role! But in conscious observation, consciously allowing, feeling and accepting. BREATHING, THANKS! Cry, scream, dance, sing. I have shed so many tears in the past few months like never in my life and I know it has no end. I don't judge, I admit and thank everyone. They are tears of years, maybe even generations of suppressed pain.
Values, the guilt of the other, looking outside comes from the head. This is also part of you, of all of us. Accept the valuation, the seeking escape as part of yourself, embrace this too, do not push it away. BREATHING, THANKS!
Light and dark, good and bad, pain and joy, high vs. low vibration, enlightened and not enlightened ... name what you want, for me these are concepts, evaluations, they separate us from others and above all from our true self and what we really are: energy , raw and pure, in constant motion.
MICRO IS MACRO, there are so many medical songs and texts that we are connected to each other, that we are a drop in the big sea, are part of the whole. Indispensable and irreplaceable. So it is, but it is the task of each individual - and ONLY of each individual, to let this thought become his reality IN himself, to think, to understand, to feel and then to be able to live it, one with the whole, with to be able to do everything. Then you are the creator of the reality you want. No more is needed. You are creation and creation and at the same time creator.
I'm so sorry. Please forgive me. I love you. Thanks a lot. If you feel alone with everything that comes up in you or difficulties with the current situation, which show up in fears, worries, anger, despair or other, I offer you accompaniment through my coaching and healing sessions or through a session, where we connect with your spiritual companions and I channel their messages for you. Our guides see our life from an eagle's perspective.