What makes an extra chicken in your life?

In numbers I have a balance in my family members who accompany my dearly and lovingly by constantly pushing my buttons.

Two dogs, one male and female. Two cats, one male and female and... As I used to say "my three" chickens who used to put an extra weight on more feminine power. Balancing the masculine and feminine energies inside me has been a topic that has been very powerful in my own healing process and still is and my animals show me through their (mis) behaviour where I stand.

The males (incl. my little boy) are strong, stubborn, persistent and csn drive me with these attitudes against the wall.


The females are shy, always in the background, hardly visible.

What does it say about me and my energies inside me? Yes, my animals are a reflection of my female and masculine energy. And believe me, I have changed already a lot but their strong presence and actions as well as behaviours show me how much more (and it is a life long) I still have to walk.

Now the chickens... As mentioned I thought they would push forward the feminine energy. When I got back from holidays a few weeks ago I thought about my third one that my little boy got for his birthday: wow, you are growing big for a, chicnen... A few days ago at 4.30 am the first attempts of something like a kikeriki... I nearly fell off my bed because within days this apparent lovely chicken turned into a proud strong cock. I am confused, worried and so stunningly surprised, still unsure what medicine he will bring forward, because I really don't know whether he can stay with us. But that is an animal story that I had a few times in my life: should he/she stay or go??? And generally they stayed... Even more worrying... I will keep you updated.


And read in my next post on how female and masculine animal energies have pushed puttons and now move their buttons to ns into different directions.

We all have soul contracts with animals, especially with our pets. Through their behaviour, their illnesses and even passing THEY want to teach US to be be better humans as they are beings of unconditional love and light. Want to know more, check out my website: Www.intuitivekatja.com