Someone should understand my female cat Mimi, who I want to strongly feel to write about today ... Mimi was always quite shy and not really cuddly, which I assumed begin rare for domestic cats who spend most of their lives with cuddly people.
After Mimi had given birth to her 6 kittens almost two years ago, I had her castrated and although we kept a cat boy - K'anchay, which I have already written about in previous blogs, cat mum Mimi withdrew more and more from me and became extremely shy, even aggressive and didn't want to put up with any more petting. This often frustrated and even annoyed me.
Almost two years have gone by, almost the same period of time as my intensive therapeutic process here in the Peruvian Andes, which arose from the deep desire to heal many deep (especially masculine) wounds and to not only awaken the sacred femininity in me, but also to internalize and to make it a part of my life.
Part of my therapeutic work involved creative tasks - and beautifully reawakened the creativity I had banished in my youth. Over time, I noticed how Mimi made herself more and more comfortable at my side while I was embroidering, making music, painting or working with clay. It soon became notoriously noticeable. At times she slept on my altar, which has been supporting my process from the beginning.
She slowly liked it again to be petted, but she never purred. At times I had wondered if she had problems with her vocal cords. In the last few months, however, I noticed clearly that not only her enjoyment of my caresses, but also her trust opened up. She started to play with me and at times also transformed into a passionately purring panther.
Tonight I'm sitting in front of my altar again and Mimi came back to me after a while, wanted to play, purred and is now cuddling up to my leg, gives me confirmation again that we both have femininity, and thus the trust, the gentleness, the Dedication and learning to embrace learning to receive. She has accompanied me in her special way and through her behavior to understand, embrace and slowly transform my fears, traumas., anger, denial, fury and so on. And because of my changed behavior, she has changed the way she interacts with me now in such incredible and magical ways.
This is exactly what animals teach us - through their positive or negative behavior, through their peculiarities and illnesses, sometimes even through their disappearance from our world, THEY TEACH US to get to know us better, to heal wounds, to find more clarity - simply to BECOME A BETTER PERSON. We only have to open our hearts to understand their form of communication. Thank you Mimi for your patient work with me - healing is a process. And I am so thankful for all beings who accompany me in such a wonderful way.