“No amount of security is worth the suffering of a mediocre life chained to a routine that has killed your dreams.” (Maya Mendoza)

I am working on establishing my business, because I know the time has come to bring my wisdom further out into the world so I can help people to shift their perspective on life and heal old wounds in order for them to find clarity and fulfillment. 

Apart from my intuitive work as an animal communicator I have been doing energy healing for a couple of years now to help unblock dense energies and to connect the client to a high vibrational energy which he/she generally notices in feelings of more inner peace, unconditional love and happiness. It can also help calming physical problems. Through this work I started developing the ability of clairvoyance, seeing the causes of a person´s blockages or dense energy and therefore started sharing the received information at the end of my sessions so that the person can understand better a present fear, lack of happiness, success or a physical pain and can then take necessary action. It is a fact, that we generally fall quickly into the same old believe patterns of not feeling good enough, safe or protected, no feeling loved, if we do not consciously work on ourselves as well.  

But how can we continue or start to work on ourselves? To start with it a desire to want to heal old wounds, to let go of being a victim of your past, being prepared that things will change in your life. It means to invest time and effort. Although it would be great if we could just say: “Please God, heal me!” “Please universe, help me, so that I don´t suffer anymore!” and the change would happen on its own. But it is not that easy.

Offerings for Pachamama

Offerings for Pachamama

I live in a world (South America), where a lot of ancient wisdom is still present, where people are still very connected to nature, i.e. certain mountains are worshipped due to their protective powers or wisdom they hold (called Apus). A lot of rituals are regularly being performed by the elderly but also by general people, who still feel connected to the indigenous wisdom. Just recently, Carnival Tuesday has been a very important day in the Andean world. During a, so called ch´alla (gratitude offering), the house, car, belongings are being richly decorated and an offering is being made to thank Mother Earth (Pachamama). People ask for blessings and abundance, such as health, success as well as materialistic things. Another very common happening is the yearly Alasista, where miniature objects are sold and blessed (such as tiny cars, houses, shops, even health certificates or university diplomas). It is great to have dreams, but if you don´t do something about it, nothing will change. You can buy a miniature shop every year, but if you don´t work towards it, owning a shop won´t ever become a reality. Isn´t it the same like praying to God in a church every Sunday to ask for help, but not changing old thought and behavior patterns? It is easy to give the responsibility to someone else, may it be the mountains or God, because then we can also have someone to blame, when it doesn´t work out the way we wanted it to.

Miniature objects during the Alasitas

Miniature objects during the Alasitas

But every experience, good or bad, has a purpose in life. Although something might not have worked out as you wished, you will still have learned from the experience. Looking back on a bad or difficult experience from a neutral point of view can bring you to the understanding, of what you had to learn from the happening, which is only possible when you are not in an emotional state such as anger, regret, frustration, sadness etc., but when you take on the eagle view of an observer. There is only ONE energy that unites us all, that there is no separation between an animal, a mountain, a human and God, because we are all created from the same source, which makes us source, and therefore powerful creators of our life. And only by changing the patterns of our thoughts and habits that keep provoking a certain emotion over and over again, we can shift our reality of life. Of course, we have all the necessary support from God, from the angelic realms, nature beings, animals and so many more.

Are you ready to create your life as you want it to be? Do you want to change life patterns that are occurring over and over again? I now offer a powerful transformational coaching program based on your individual needs with the help of your beloved pet, a power animal or an animal that may have already crossed over. During this journey I will connect with your animal companion to explore the in depth spiritual messages and soul level healing they want you to experience through their relationship with you. All animals are beings of unconditional love and it is their mission on Earth to help us through their attitudes, behavior or even physical sickness to make the necessary changes in our life in order to shift and grow. If you feel the calling, please contact me for further information. I look forward to hearing from you. 

Many blessings to you!