Riding new waves

Meet your power animal

I have not been writing in a while although I have not been short of topics that I had wanted to share with you. Firstly, motherhood has changed my life completely. Priorities have changed and I feel that my little one not only asks me, but even more forces me, to be in the present moment, to live the present here and now – and for me that means spending many moments of joy and happiness together – at home and in nature. And it feels wonderful. Believe it or not, it took quite a while not to feel guilty of not creating, working and thinking all the time, but I am – hopefully - finally shifting out the negative thought pattern, that I NEED to work and create to feel worthy and good enough. And motherhood is a full-time job (although I don´t want to call it that way, because the word job doesn’t always have the most pleasant connotation for me personally).

Iwa Wasi

Secondly, and this is really exciting, I realized once I started changing my thought pattern – that I was creating something I had never expected: Slowly but with love and from our hearts we, as a family, started opening up our home as a small Cultural and Healing Centre: Iwa Wasi – Chaupi Tinkuy. And it feels magical! We are creating a space for people to come together to enjoy music and art, especially connecting to the Andean wisdom from the heart. Not out of books but through a living experience. Additionally, we are creating workshops for Soul Level Animal Communication, Power Animal journeys and I can´t wait to finally announce the first retreats, which we will start hosting in 2019.

This is why I have not been so present writing, but if you are interested and curious, check out our new Facebook site: www.faceboook.com/iwawasi. And - our new website will also be online soon: I will keep you posted.

Cultura Andina

For now I am sending you much love, many blessings and until very soon.