Living 7 directions with your animal


The Andean world looks at 7 directions, East, West, North and South, the sky above, Morther Earth and the direction towards ourself. We, humans, hold three abilities: Munay = the ability to love, Yankay = the ability to work / to take action, Yachay = The ability to think or to receive wisdom.

When our dog Lola gave birth three years ago in the night to the 1st of August (when many offerings are made, starting the month of Pachamama in her honour and in gratitude) she brought 7 puppies to this world, one died the same night and we offered it to Pachamama. At their birth, I received the message, that each of them represented a direction and the death of the 7th puppy represented the sacrifice of the egoic mind. I don´t want to judge or give an opinion on it, with humbleness I say, that it was a download I received.

Our cat Mimi gave birth to her kittens last Wednesday. Just like Lola she had be determined to bring babies into this world, which means that with both of them the craziest circumstances happened, so that would to be sterilizied before entering into season.

6 kittens arrived, a lot again in the natural world for a mum giving birth for the first time. Straight away the memory of my dog Lola popped up. Although surprised about the big number I was glad that there were 6 and not 7 - all survived well and healthy.

I THOUGHT, thank God, no sacrifice this time, believing in my egoic mind: the path of self-healing shows its fruits. I am an intuitive, I constantly connect with animals and other beings, so I listen to these messages with care.

But how greatly have I been mistaken. When I went to the mountain the following day I left with the intention to do an offering, to heal and let go of everything that had happened during my first moon cycle of this year 2020, which had been quite a lot (as for many of us). Right after opening the ritual the biggest sacrifice had been taken, when my teacher, soul friend and guru INTI had been shot with all intention, when he gave his life and blood to mother earth, to Pachamama, to life. Inti is the main master, with whom I walked my intense path of becoming a professional soul level animal communicator and intuitive, thanks to Danielle MacKinnon.

With his death did he not only give me the biggest lesson of closeness of life and death, of the light that we hold inside us, which can be blown out in any moment, but just as much how big the egoic mind is. I am on my knees, I ask for forgiveness to believe that the ego had become smaller. On the contrary, this sacrifice is beyond words and needs much more time to really grasp with ALL senses the bigger level of the messages I received with his death.

I know that my wounds of the past will always be with me, I cannot erase them, but I can try the very best every day and every moment in life to be conscious of them, of my programs and embrace and heal them - through gratitude, acceptance, self care, connection with everything there is, trying to be the best version of myself.

Our Soul contract has not finished yet, I know that, we have taken it to a different level, you are now also my power and spirit animal.

I am sorry

I love you

Forgive me

Thank you