Searching - but what for?

Searching - but what for?

Searching - but what for?

It is the first time in about 7 weeks that I am sitting in front of my computer with the intention of sharing some thoughts publically again. It feels scary and strange as I have been going through a very profound physical, mental and emotional process since my move to Peru last December, which had been much more intensified during and after my soul level animal communication retreat with horses in May in Costa Rica.

Chaska – the rough glamour girl

Chaska – the rough glamour girl

Chaska, the puppy girl, came into my life in January 2017 when I had just moved to Peru. If you want to find out how she arrived you can read it here.

She gave me very clear messages, why she wanted to be in my life. I had received a clear message even before picking her up, that she would work with me to confidently live my independence and strength, to stand up for myself and I feel I have been learning a very intensive lesson over the last couple of months, by having been put in front of challenging situations, like arguments, injustice, betrayal which caused a lot of frustration, anger, sadness and disappointment in me. At moments I wondered what I had been learning over all this time, if the universe keeps still being so “unfair” and wants to make me so unhappy again.


I am working on establishing my business, because I know the time has come to bring my wisdom further out into the world so I can help people to shift their perspective on life and heal old wounds in order for them to find clarity and fulfillment. 

Apart from my intuitive work as an animal communicator I have been doing energy healing for a couple of years now to help unblock dense energies and to connect the client to a high vibrational energy which he/she generally notices in feelings of more inner peace, unconditional love and happiness. It can also help calming physical problems. Through this work I started developing the ability of clairvoyance, seeing the causes of a person´s blockages or dense energy and therefore started sharing the received information at the end of my sessions so that the person can understand better a present fear, lack of happiness, success or a physical pain and can then take necessary action. It is a fact, that we generally fall quickly into the same old believe patterns of not feeling good enough, safe or protected, no feeling loved, if we do not consciously work on ourselves as well.  

But how can we continue or start to work on ourselves?


My dog Killa came into my life as a small puppy about 4 years ago together with her brother Inti. When I both saw them for the first time, I just knew, that these would be their names: Killa – Moon and Inti – Sun in the indigenous language Quechua. At that time I had no idea yet, how these names would be reflected in their personality and even more in their work with me.

Today Killa wanted me to tell you about her and the connection to our - and my - feminine side.


I am just sitting in my garden with a bottle of water, which I have collected from the stream on my afternoon´s walk in the local mountains. Sitting by the river I knew, what I wanted to share with you today.

During the last animal communication readings I frequently got the message for my clients from their pets to connect to nature. Why is that? We are so programmed to being in our mind: constantly busy on doing something, thinking about the next task, worrying about something in the future, planning on what we are going to cook for dinner tonight or dwelling in the past. Our mind is permanently active. There is nothing wrong with our mind working, but when it is the time for it to work. And who controls that? YOU! Nobody else. And it feels so challenging to stop the permanent chatter. Well, this is how it feels to me. But what can be done about it?


It is evening already, I am not feeling so well today and I wanted to postpone writing this post, but I promised myself that I want to write and connect every day. Yes, I am sharing this little detail, because I want to be honest and share not only information, but the feelings, emotions and sensations behind my thoughts and actions.
I have always been worried about writing something publically, although I am journaling frequently. But my mind always says, the text needs to be perfect. But to what standard, who am I comparing it to? We generally always compare ourselves to others – presentation, appearance, success, abundance, the way the other person acts or expresses him/herself and so on. As a consequence we live in fear, anxiety, anger, frustration, the feeling of lack. Why not do, what you feel is the best YOU can do for yourself and just do it. And this is why I am starting to publish these posts as a request of the animals that want me to pass on their voice.


Here is my first of my now regular posts about animal (and more) connection and it is of course going to be about Pumachaska, a puppy. (see yesterday´s post)

I don´t ever look at posts about animal abuse or lost animals, because they make me angry, sad or frustrated. But yesterday, my eyes caught for some reason a post on a local facebook group about a couple of puppies that had been found in the street. I don´t even know, when y how I responded "Are they still available?".


Many of us had a very challenging 2016 with a lot (more) of stuff coming up, aspects of our life needed to be understood better so they could be healed, processed and transformed. And so it also was for me. 2016 has been extremely intensive and many changes took place, but all for the good. I closed circles, let go, learned to trust to step more into my inner power, light and wisdom.

And now we entered Year ONE - numerology (2+0+1+7), furthermore month ONE (January) - Where we should start fresh, new, make the big changes that are ready to be taken after having done so much clearing work.

The army of ants

As an animal communicator I believe that all animals have a message for us! But I wondered whether even small ants have after I had been confronted for the past few weeks with an army of them invading my kitchen worktop. And as surely you know, it isn´t pleasant and even less so whilst you are cooking or preparing breakfast. I thought maybe it might be the Bolivian climate during rainy season so I tried to persuade them to leave using words and my intention but without success. And harming them? - No way!

The only and most obvious option for me was to connect with the ant leader to find out why they won´t leave my kitchen, and their answer was quite simple: "Be tidy, organized and clean up every time after using the kitchen and we will leave right away!" I guess they caught me on my soft spot, I often tend to leave the kitchen messy and postpone cleaning up after a nice meal. 

But why not enjoy the clearing up just as much as cooking? Isn´t it nice to have everything looking neat and tidy after having used it? I love it, anyways. Every act in life is an act of joy once we make the decision to perceive it this way. So I thank the ants for this message.