Connection with the spiritual world - is that possible? What is it used for? How does it work?
Several years ago I recognized and manifested the gift of be able to enter into contact with the spiritual world.
For me, this is everything that exists around us, that is, what is not visible in material form and can always be at our side as a protection and adviser. Probably the most well-known are angels and archangels, each with certain abilities and available to all of us at all times.
But each of us has also been assigned a team of spiritual guides from birth, they are a connection to our higher self, to God, or Pachamama and they see our life from a bird's eye view.
Do you believe in a time of change?
I asked myself whether mankind has learned and learned from the experiences of quarentine, instrospection and dealing with mother nature and how it will go on. Will people go back to their unconscious habits?
I got the following response from my guides:
Imagine YOU were the representation of humanity, YOU were the universe, how would you rate yourself and the world?
Just look inside yourself, give space to all your facets. Do not seek an image of yourself, not what your parents, religion, society, or spiritual masters have taught you to be. You are a colorful rainbow with ALL feelings, thoughts, emotions - EVERYTHING is part of you.
If you want a change in humanity, do not look outside, just ask yourself and in fact only yourself: What do I not accept and embrace (yet) in and in me? Finally start embracing all of your pain (mentally and physically), FINALLY allowing all of your emotions. In doing so, I mean not to suppress them anymore, but also not to act and react, but to finally give them the necessary space, the attention and love that they have been longing for so long that they need so much! Without rating, without blaming, without falling into the victim role! But in conscious observation, consciously allowing, feeling and accepting. BREATHING, THANKS! Cry, scream, dance, sing. I have shed so many tears in the past few months like never in my life and I know it has no end. I don't judge, I admit and thank everyone. They are tears of years, maybe even generations of suppressed pain.
Values, the guilt of the other, looking outside comes from the head. This is also part of you, of all of us. Accept the valuation, the seeking escape as part of yourself, embrace this too, do not push it away. BREATHING, THANKS!
Light and dark, good and bad, pain and joy, high vs. low vibration, enlightened and not enlightened ... name what you want, for me these are concepts, evaluations, they separate us from others and above all from our true self and what we really are: energy , raw and pure, in constant motion.
MICRO IS MACRO, there are so many medical songs and texts that we are connected to each other, that we are a drop in the big sea, are part of the whole. Indispensable and irreplaceable. So it is, but it is the task of each individual - and ONLY of each individual, to let this thought become his reality IN himself, to think, to understand, to feel and then to be able to live it, one with the whole, with to be able to do everything. Then you are the creator of the reality you want. No more is needed. You are creation and creation and at the same time creator.
I'm so sorry. Please forgive me. I love you. Thanks a lot. If you feel alone with everything that comes up in you or difficulties with the current situation, which show up in fears, worries, anger, despair or other, I offer you accompaniment through my coaching and healing sessions or through a session, where we connect with your spiritual companions and I channel their messages for you. Our guides see our life from an eagle's perspective.
Is healing a myth?
What means "healing" and also to be "healer"? I have often asked myself this question in the past few weeks and months.
I am trying to share my current answer to the question from both perspectives with humbleness and from my current understanding.
Clients come to me and ask to be finally at peace with themselves and the world around them from their pain, their fear, their anger. no more pain in the broken heart, to feel that the sleepless nights, restlessness, fainting, despair or anger provoke from them.
For example, how can you find abundance on the outside if you still don't feel worth enough in your deepest inner self? How can you call the partner of your life into your life if you still don't feel, accept and love yourself enough?
Yes, as a shamanistic practitioner and thus my connection with the spiritual world, it is possible for me to release your blockages, send positive energies, balance energy centers and even recover lost soul parts for you, but is that the solution? Meanwhile, I see it similar to a glass of wine, a bliss experience during meditation or in the experience with a medicine plant (i.e. Ayahuasca) that generally only brings temporary "healing".
But I know - and I speak here from my own experience - that this feeling does not last long. At some point, maybe very soon, fear, anger, despair will come up again.
And here is the point: nobody can take away these feelings and the resulting negative thoughts and (re)actions for you, release them from you. They are YOUR little children who want to be heard, felt and hugged by YOU and at the very moment when they call you, when you feel them. Our society, and I also involve many spiritual masters, promise happiness, contentment, abundance, inner peace. But these are results that tear us away from the here and now and what life is trying to show you and on the other hand it is purely result-oriented. How about FINALLY accepting all of our imperfection within us instead of pushing it further away from us, not wanting to heal and transform it, but looking at it as something sacred and accepting it in all of its present existence?
I've tried an incredible amount of healing ways in my life to “heal myself”, but I've never given myself the opportunity to actually feel all the pain, anger, and dis-empowerment in all its facets, to give it all the necessary space that it actually longs for - and also as long as necessary. Whether meditation, mantras, plant medicine, affirmations, energy work etc. at some point I was back to zero.
Now I realize, thanks to my inner process and thus also the quarantine and all the medicine that it brought and still brings, that the search for the so-called healing is a repressing and accepting of our small children. A lost job, a broken heart, the loss of a person or an animal, etc. - all of these events are powerful medicine that you consciously need to live and embrace as long as it is necessary. A seed in the darkness of Mother Earth also doesn't know when its sprouts will sprout, it simply accepts what it is and where it is,
I do not want to reject the healing methods mentioned above, they can complement and support, but will not heal in the long term.
I know that all of this brings up additional fear, despair and feelings of loneliness, but maybe everything that is happening to you right now is a master plan of your soul that knows exactly what is happening and why. We have learned to be masters in distracting from negative feelings, whether through work, alcohol, sex, drugs, friends and so much more.
I would like to offer you to accompany and support you on your way and to listen and feel where your little child is calling the loudest. I accompany you in a sensitive way thanks to my intuitive connection with your spiritual companions, who can open the doors for you to accept what needs to be accepted and brought to consciousness.
Working with your guide team is process-oriented. I compare it with the following (without wanting to criticize anyone): a tarot card can tell you that you will split up from your partner in a few months (results-oriented), your spiritual guides will pick you up where you are and accompany you in the development and growth of your soul and what it needs right now. The result is open.
Have a blessed day with all its ups and downs that want to be embraced today.
The girl and the tigress
Yesterday I had an incredible dream:
Once upon a time there was a tigress who had been living in a small cell for many years. Her body was marked by severe injuries and wounds. Around them, outside the cage, the flowers bloomed, the forest smelled of freshly fallen rain. But in her pain and fear of further injuries, she rarely dared to open her eyes and look at the landscape outside her surroundings, smell or feel it.
Time for healing
Yesterday I felt great anxiety and restlessness thinking about two weeks of quarantine here in Peru (which started today) and the knowledge of only being able to leave the house in an emergency - and that if I just had one already as such - going through challenging time when I felt the need to connect with people more.
Today I woke up, sat down in the garden, let the sun touch my skin and listened to the sound of water and animals around me.
And I felt PEACE (and I get goosebumps when I write this). I heard Mother Earth breathe, I felt tremendous gratitude for the silence that surrounds us through the Quarentines and the "challenges" of that time.
Finally silence in our busy world. Finally the opportunity for some more peace in my inner world. Thank you for the great opportunity to self-observe our own lives.
May we let go of the fear of our so active mind and allow ourselves in this time to listen with our inner ears, to see with our inner eyes, reconnect with our senses, with our heart. Let's listen to our fears and then in the next breath to the silence and enormous gratitude of Mother Earth for finally peace and time for rest and recovery. Time to turn into us.
Let's not miss this opportunity to reconnect with the heart of Mother Earth with open arms. May we reconnect with the truth.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Picture: sketch for new picture
Remember who you are –INTI`s lessons for my soul
Many people have asked me how I have been doing since the death of Inti. So, I am called to share more of the profound messages which Inti brought with his death. I am a professional animal and human intuitive, I know that every encounter holds a soul contract and normally, a physical separation means the ending of it, but not always.
The moment Inti died in my arms, he said: “Your biggest fear can turn of your light” (to mention here again that his name INTI=sun and his biggest fear had been the sounds of explosives or gun shots, which had killed him at the end during a walk at our sacred mountain.) What would that mean for my life?
Living 7 directions with your animal
he Andean world looks at 7 directions, East, West, North and South, the sky above, Morther Earth and the direction towards ourself. We, humans, hold three abilities: Munay = the ability to love, Yankay = the ability to work / to take action, Yachay = The ability to think or to receive wisdom.
When our dog Lola gave birth three years ago in the night to the 1st of August (when many offerings are made, starting the month of Pachamama in her honour and in gratitude) she brought 7 puppies to this world,
Wishful thinking
Today I decided
Today I stopped running.
Today I stopped chasing.
Today I stopped controlling.
Today I looked at my life and realized the abundance around me and within me.
Today I decided to be entirely in GRATITUDE for my life with all its lessons – in light and darkness.
I am thankful for every person and being, that I have been able to meet and to share moments, hours or years with – angels or but angels (as Robert Betz used to say).
I feel pure gratitude for each and every place and situation, that I have been able to experience.
Everyone and everything took me to where I am and what I am now.
And I am proud of what I see. I am PERFECT as we all are, but I am also human, continuously walking a life path towards light and unconditional love.
I recognize my shadows: new shadows as well as old ones. Negative thought patterns and subsequent negative behaviours and actions who keep reappearing.
I embrace them, I give GRATITUDE to each one of them, permitting them their necessary space without putting a story behind them anymore – I consciously make that choice NOW.
In their embrace I decide to LET GO of them, to TRANSCEND them, because they don’t serve me any more on my life path.
And I emerge myself in the feeling of complete TRUST in divine perfection.
I bless myself, my life and everyone and everything around me.
Riding new waves
I have not been writing in a while although I have not been short of topics that I had wanted to share with you. Firstly, motherhood has changed my life completely. Priorities have changed and I feel that my little one not only asks me, but even more forces me, to be in the present moment, to live the present here and now – and for me that means spending many moments of joy and happiness together – at home and in nature. And it feels wonderful. Believe it or not, it took quite a while not to feel guilty of not creating, working and thinking all the time, but I am – hopefully - finally shifting out the negative thought pattern, that I NEED to work and create to feel worthy and good enough. And motherhood is a full-time job (although I don´t want to call it that way, because the word job doesn’t always have the most pleasant connotation for me personally).
Secondly, and this is really exciting, I realized once I started changing my thought pattern – that I was creating something I had never expected: Slowly but with love and from our hearts we, as a family, started opening up our home as a small Cultural and Healing Centre: Iwa Wasi – Chaupi Tinkuy. And it feels magical! We are creating a space for people to come together to enjoy music and art, especially connecting to the Andean wisdom from the heart. Not out of books but through a living experience. Additionally, we are creating workshops for Soul Level Animal Communication, Power Animal journeys and I can´t wait to finally announce the first retreats, which we will start hosting in 2019.
This is why I have not been so present writing, but if you are interested and curious, check out our new Facebook site: And - our new website will also be online soon: I will keep you posted.
For now I am sending you much love, many blessings and until very soon.
Is it getting bloody?
Never say never – you don´t know what happens around the corner.
Miracles happen!
After a long time I am sitting at my desk again with the desire to share some of my incredible life changing experiences that I had over the last few months. So much has happened, it is difficult to decide where to start, I guess with the fact that a miracle happened in my life. Another one, but with an incredible impact.
Following a new journey in life
It needed five (!) to get the job done.
I would have never imagined to fully enjoy living in a beautiful, very quiet rural area one day, being surrounded only by singing birds, the rustling of trees and butterflies surrounding me all day. But it was not all serene and quiet.
Read more to find out about the learning lesson that followed these experiences.
Why did you have to leave me?
There are always two sides of a coin
Feeling gratitude
I have moved to Peru after having spent nearly 8 years in Bolivia, a place which leaves you breathless with its spectacular mountains of the Andes, thick jungle, desert, the biggest saltflats in Uyuni and lots of farmland. It is a very indigenous country and is still struggling to overcome its challenging history since the colonization by the Spaniards, followed by corrupt dictatorships, including racism and repression.
And one can strongly feel these marks in the energy of the towns, cities and in its people, who are more introverted, shy and at times even submissive (especially in the Andes). Nevertheless, something gripped my gut so strongly when I arrived with a heavy tonsillitis by bus the first time
Time to say good bye – Puppy Soul contracts II
In my last blog entry had written about one of the soul contracts that my puppies have been practicing with me over the last few weeks. But there is more I would love to share. Since the beginning, the idea of being a second mum to puppies has been challenging to me. Not that I didn´t love the idea, but I live in Peru, where animals are very often not seen and treated the way most (let me plainly say) Westerners do.
What about boundaries?
9 weeks have passed since our puppies had been born and it has been one of the most exciting and magical times in my life. It has been a completely new experience for me to have a pregnant dog at home, watching her belly grow, playing less, then changing her general attitudes and giving birth unexpectedly one evening on our sofa.
Find out how things evolved and what the puppies taught me.